Saturday, October 31, 2009

Am I good or what?

Yes, it has been quite a while since I posted to this account. LOL - so long I forgot how.

I just have a couple of things I have to brag about to someone and who better than a blog? First I am so impressed with what I found when I was doing research to join the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. I guess I did know but I had totally forgotten that my great, great grandfather Isaac Riddle had helped to build the St. George Temple but I do not remember that he was so pleased to have been the largest financial contributor for that temple. How fun it was to read that he was totally into temples just as I am and that he also contributed to the Ogden, Logan and Manti temples and that he left money in his will toward the building of a temple in Jackson County Missouri.

I have recently also been doing much better with the becoming too easily frustrated. The internet search can do that still with a vengence but most other things are better.

Have to pick Ash's brains some for quick, fun FHE games cause I was an eager beaver and said I would take FHE for November because it should be Miller's turn and Norma had surgery in Mid October. I have 2 challenges so any help would be appreciated. The major challenge is to have something that Amanda as a JW will attend. Can not be Mormon orientation at all. So I am planning review histories of family and have game nights. The second and conflicting challenge is that I need to invite an inactive neighbor that lives just down the street. How do I fill his need for gospel instruction and association and stay withing the guidelines that have nothing that would be offensive to David's Amanda? I am asking for help for Heavenly Father and anyone else who cares to help.

One more brag and then I am done. I watch my groceries and when I get close to the end of the month I try to have my fuel points come out close to even hundreds. Each 100 points gives one 10 cent discount on fuel. This month we had not purchased many groceries and even the prescriptions (50 points each) were really low. We only had 162 points to carry to November. OK so I used the last discount that expired today even though I had over half a tank. Then, I picked up 1 prescription - now up to 212 so I needed to spend 88 dollars to have 3 fills that would expire in November. We shopped and I did my keep track in my head thing - yes, LeAnne I do know that it drives you crazy when I do that, and come out spending $90. WOW - am I good or what?

Now for my BIG SACRIFICE. I wanted to go to Red Lobster today for endless shrimp but Papa wanted to have fried green tomatos. :( OK am sacraficing but I sure ain't lovin it.

Giggle at me now cause if you do it in my face I might get even.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I see the Lord's Hand

WOW!!! Perhaps it is because I am getting older or perhaps it is just that I am more aware but for at least the past week I can surely see the hand of the Lord in my life.

Earlier this year I had made 100 robes or capes or whatever you want to call them for the summer camp that LeAnne, Ash, Janie and Mark have each summer for young fans of the Harry Potter series of books. Being my smug accounting self I had determined that 100 should be more than sufficient. (I thought 40 to 50 campers per session and 3 sessions means 120 to 150 little campers with a number of returning campers of at least 25% so the need should be 90 to 113 capes or robes. ) At the end of the second session (June 28th through July 3rd) when I talked to LeAnne she said that they could use another 30 or so capes and that I had in my all knowing wisdom made the first ones using what should have been the length of the cape as the width. Soo... perhaps they just needed a few longer capes for the older kids. I got busy and made capes so that they would have the needed amount.

The need for more capes seems to have been so that I could begin last week's adventure. On Saturday July 12th I finished 34 new capes that would only need to be hemmed by the HOGWARTS staff . I made them in a little more than a week. During the making of the capes I got a wild idea that I needed to attend the premiere of the movie "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" with the people who are so involved in the summer camp. So I called and informed the honorable Professor Hooch that I would need a ticket with the rest of the professors.

Then being me I got to feeling guilty. (Yes, I do it to myself as well as to others.) So I remembered that Dorsey's sister-in-law Jan had said they would like to come for a visit sometime earlier this year and had then called and said a visit would probably not be possible because brother Ken can no longer drive due to a diagnosis of Alzheimers disease. Jan has cataracts and some other things that make driving other than in the areas they are used to being a bigger challenge than she is willing to take. Being my normal asertive (polite word) self I called and asked if they would be willing to come back to GJ with us and then go visit Sister Beth Randall in Delta. Several phone calls and e-mails later the plans were made.

So my week started calmly with plans for Family Home Evening here in our home in GJ. As I was ever so busily washing clothes for the trip, planning and preparing refreshments and a lesson and planning to clean so that everything would be ready for a great FHE I got a phone call from a sister in the ward who needed a ride to the grocery store. I know that I should take every opportunity to serve that comes my way but this time I really, really wanted to say no. I followed my concience and she took almost 2 hours but then came and helped me clean and get ready for FHE. I was blessed by taking the opportunity for service.

Family Home Evening was good and the lesson from the June Ensign on Hope went over well. We actually got to the patio this time and enjoyed the setting and the colling effect of the ceiling fans. Such a positive time.

Then of course there was the long drive to Denver but even that went smoothly and we stopped to visit with Ken and Jan and finalize plans for the reunion. The premiere was so much fun. The best part was watching the fun the profesors from summer camp had watching the movie. I really enjoyed it and being with LeAnne and Ash.

The trip home was fun because Ken and Dorsey sat together in the back and Jan and I visited all the way home. I had been inspired to make crock pot swiss steak before we left and it was a good and easy supper for all. Thursday we traveled to Delta to visit sister Beth. She was prepared and we went through the photo album mother Veda had made. Jan and I made copies of the pictures that related to our families at the library. Here again we were guided and were able to make copies of the most important parts of the pictures fit onto legal size copies. We then returned and went to the new restaurant in Delta called the Deutch House. The food was really good and everyone enjoyed it. Then Beth helped us to write on the copies to know who was in the pictures. We returned home and the left over swiss steak and some cheese bread and fresh tomatoes were supper with a little ice cream later.

A successful and fun trip back over the hill. I had also been inspired to call 2 very dear friends from when we lived in Denver. Both Georgeanne and Susanne were able to meet us for lunch. Unfortunately, LeAnne and Ash and Gabby were so busy with other things they could not join us but the four of us had a fun lunch at Gunther Toodys and visited for more than an hour.

Another long but safe drive home. Actually, as I stated in a text message Papa slept and I sped. No problems, no traffic congestion, no law enforcement officials and we were home and only tired.

Saturday continued the fun with the old timer's breakfast with lots of local friends from times in the church here in Grand Junction. Gerald and Ilene Sparks will be serving a mission at the Family History Center in Salt Lake and have only 3 weeks before they are to report there. Then our next door neighbor Fred celebrated his 80th birthday in the afternoon.

It is Sunday and I am so very tired but so very happy and amazed at what can happen if you try to follow the promptings you receive.

Waaahhhhooo. Celebrate the good times.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lately I have just been so very happy. I have had so many things happen to make me realize how happy I am. Some of the events are:
1. This has to be the most important one. Papa (Dorsey) actually bore his testimony in testimony meeting. I know he has a belief in Jesus Christ and that he works to be a Christian and follow the teachings. However, who he is means that he seldom says anything aloud in a public setting. He also stated that he appreciates all I do and that he loves me very much. I know this is a small thing but WOW it is a happy moment.
2. A vicarious happy. Great niece Candy became engaged to someone who is right for her and good to her and extatic to know she loves him. The reports are that he took time to come in person to ask for her hand in marriage. He kept it secret from her and then scheduled a party with lots of people there to ask and give her an engagement ring with a more than a 2 carat diamond. I am so happy for her!!! Then a comment was made at family home evening about well it looks like there will be more black babies in the family and I was extatic to note that I that the speaker was out of line and do not care as long as they are truly happy. Acceptance of people for who they are is a big step for me and makes me so happy.
3. OK a fun one. I am happy to have been able to spend 9 hours yesterday taking single sisters from church to the grocery store, appointments, dollar store and Wal-Mart. I know dumb but for so long I could not do this for any one. I was so happy to be able to do it. The fun part is how much I enjoyed being in the car in the parking lot and seeing an elderly lady bump a cart and send it racing through the parking lot accidently. Not a fun moment but there were 2 teenage boys with pants so low I was crossing my fingers for them but one of them chased the cart down and safely parked it between 2 cars. What a fun moment.
4. Making capes/robes for Hogwarts makes me happy. The cutting went fast and easy and then I had a learning curve with finishing the hoods. The material I bought does not fray so I just zigzaged it - so much easier. Now the short side attaches rather than the long side so that is so much easier. Laughing at myself is so much fun!!!
5. A stone massage and a nap. How much happier can you get. OK so (LOL) I should have shut off the phone. I still feel so much better and hurt so much less. How can I not be happy.
6. OK This is long enough but I am happy that I am the one who decides if I am happy. It took a long, long time but I have gained control and decided to be happy. It works 90 percent of the time and that makes me so happy. Mainly the fact that small things that make me happy is great.
7. Love of friends and family is HAPPY!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Some random thoughts I have recently had:
1. Do I deserve sainthood for living 31+ years with someone who does not communicate? Is being expected to know what he wants and dealing with not knowing something special? Oh, I probably blew sainthood by getting really cranky about the lack of communication too often.
2. Does Dorsey deserve sainthood for dealing with someone who is wound too tight for 31+ years? Of course not – I am a saint – see above.
3. Boob sweat does not drown a cell phone. I am certain of this because I have given it a thorough test. Fortunately all of my clothing can handle my need to dry the phone somewhere. Boob sweat does cause the thin painted coating on the phone to chip off and cause the owner to wonder what it is and where it came from and how it got in her bra.
4. Having good insurance to pay the 20% of medical expenses Medicare does not cover is more than simply a good idea. It is a wonderful blessing. Our doctor, hospital, laboratory and physical therapy costs this year would have sunk us without insurance. Turning 65 is not all bad. :)
5. A tiny crock pot that I thought Dorsey was nuts to buy is a wonderful thing. I cannot force more than 2 meals into it. Now that Dorsey is done with leftover’s it is a marvelous appliance.
6. Why does Miss Manners hate fun? Who is hurt by blowing bubbles through your straw? Unless the noise interferes with conversation why not? I still love this. Elbows on the table a no-no. Why not they provide the perfect place for a heavy head. There are soooo many other things that fun that are banned by Miss Manners. Sigh!!

7. Why do the majority of people now not treat each other with kindness, respect and courtesy and why are so many people shocked when you use the manners your mother taught you were totally mandatory?
8. While I am on a why/why not theme, why does chocolate, cookies, cake, ice cream, chips, fires, onion rings, fast food and or candy taste better than vegetables? The things I really enjoy are not as good for me as the things I only eat cause I need nutrition. Once again Sigh!

9. LOL why does the driver in the other car not understand the rules? Does he think I forgot them? Of course not, I am the perfect driver and never get distracted and do something dumb.
10. I understand so much better now why my own mother was like she was. However, I wish it was not a fact that I see her so much in myself. There are some things that I will never allow myself to do but others that I just do.
11. Will I ever wind down? I do not want to be disabled or lazy or other bad things but it would be nice not to feel that I need to find something to do 24/7. Am I hyper? Surely not!