Friday, June 26, 2009

Some random thoughts I have recently had:
1. Do I deserve sainthood for living 31+ years with someone who does not communicate? Is being expected to know what he wants and dealing with not knowing something special? Oh, I probably blew sainthood by getting really cranky about the lack of communication too often.
2. Does Dorsey deserve sainthood for dealing with someone who is wound too tight for 31+ years? Of course not – I am a saint – see above.
3. Boob sweat does not drown a cell phone. I am certain of this because I have given it a thorough test. Fortunately all of my clothing can handle my need to dry the phone somewhere. Boob sweat does cause the thin painted coating on the phone to chip off and cause the owner to wonder what it is and where it came from and how it got in her bra.
4. Having good insurance to pay the 20% of medical expenses Medicare does not cover is more than simply a good idea. It is a wonderful blessing. Our doctor, hospital, laboratory and physical therapy costs this year would have sunk us without insurance. Turning 65 is not all bad. :)
5. A tiny crock pot that I thought Dorsey was nuts to buy is a wonderful thing. I cannot force more than 2 meals into it. Now that Dorsey is done with leftover’s it is a marvelous appliance.
6. Why does Miss Manners hate fun? Who is hurt by blowing bubbles through your straw? Unless the noise interferes with conversation why not? I still love this. Elbows on the table a no-no. Why not they provide the perfect place for a heavy head. There are soooo many other things that fun that are banned by Miss Manners. Sigh!!

7. Why do the majority of people now not treat each other with kindness, respect and courtesy and why are so many people shocked when you use the manners your mother taught you were totally mandatory?
8. While I am on a why/why not theme, why does chocolate, cookies, cake, ice cream, chips, fires, onion rings, fast food and or candy taste better than vegetables? The things I really enjoy are not as good for me as the things I only eat cause I need nutrition. Once again Sigh!

9. LOL why does the driver in the other car not understand the rules? Does he think I forgot them? Of course not, I am the perfect driver and never get distracted and do something dumb.
10. I understand so much better now why my own mother was like she was. However, I wish it was not a fact that I see her so much in myself. There are some things that I will never allow myself to do but others that I just do.
11. Will I ever wind down? I do not want to be disabled or lazy or other bad things but it would be nice not to feel that I need to find something to do 24/7. Am I hyper? Surely not!

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