Saturday, October 31, 2009

Am I good or what?

Yes, it has been quite a while since I posted to this account. LOL - so long I forgot how.

I just have a couple of things I have to brag about to someone and who better than a blog? First I am so impressed with what I found when I was doing research to join the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. I guess I did know but I had totally forgotten that my great, great grandfather Isaac Riddle had helped to build the St. George Temple but I do not remember that he was so pleased to have been the largest financial contributor for that temple. How fun it was to read that he was totally into temples just as I am and that he also contributed to the Ogden, Logan and Manti temples and that he left money in his will toward the building of a temple in Jackson County Missouri.

I have recently also been doing much better with the becoming too easily frustrated. The internet search can do that still with a vengence but most other things are better.

Have to pick Ash's brains some for quick, fun FHE games cause I was an eager beaver and said I would take FHE for November because it should be Miller's turn and Norma had surgery in Mid October. I have 2 challenges so any help would be appreciated. The major challenge is to have something that Amanda as a JW will attend. Can not be Mormon orientation at all. So I am planning review histories of family and have game nights. The second and conflicting challenge is that I need to invite an inactive neighbor that lives just down the street. How do I fill his need for gospel instruction and association and stay withing the guidelines that have nothing that would be offensive to David's Amanda? I am asking for help for Heavenly Father and anyone else who cares to help.

One more brag and then I am done. I watch my groceries and when I get close to the end of the month I try to have my fuel points come out close to even hundreds. Each 100 points gives one 10 cent discount on fuel. This month we had not purchased many groceries and even the prescriptions (50 points each) were really low. We only had 162 points to carry to November. OK so I used the last discount that expired today even though I had over half a tank. Then, I picked up 1 prescription - now up to 212 so I needed to spend 88 dollars to have 3 fills that would expire in November. We shopped and I did my keep track in my head thing - yes, LeAnne I do know that it drives you crazy when I do that, and come out spending $90. WOW - am I good or what?

Now for my BIG SACRIFICE. I wanted to go to Red Lobster today for endless shrimp but Papa wanted to have fried green tomatos. :( OK am sacraficing but I sure ain't lovin it.

Giggle at me now cause if you do it in my face I might get even.

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