Saturday, January 16, 2010

How blessed can anyone be?

The past just less than 3 weeks can make. As we approached December 29th I did so with great fear and trepidation. Why did Dorsey decide to replace his right knee and could we/I cope with what that would mean. We had arranged for Lee and Christopher to give him a blessing at FHE the night before the surgery but FHE was cancelled so I asked if he wanted to call and go see they. He said no - do not bother them. At exactly 7 pm the doorbell rang and there stood Lee and Christopher dressed ready for church, ties and all except suit coats and they came in and gave Dorsey a beautiful blessing.

I decided that I needed to listen closely and was impressed by a statement that Dorsey would heal well but he needed to listen to the doctors and other medical people and follow the instructions carefully. OK - TAKE NOTE.

The next day was possibly the longest of my entire life. We started with getting up, special shower and then get to the foot doctor for a nail trim. I went in with him to be sure the doctor knew he was having his knee replaced later that same day. That went well. Dorsey was not allowed to eat anything except clear liquids after midnight so we had taken his pills with some G2 and I was totally concerned about his blood sugar getting too low. I was on hyper alert for the entire day. We did a couple of other things and then it was time to check in for the surgery. That went well and I was with him until they took him in to the operating room.

A quick trip out of the hospital for a bite to eat and quickly back to wait for the doctor. The surgery did not really take long but for me it seemed to be an eternity and then the doctor told me that the surgery had gone really well and that the only actual problem was that the knee cap was extra worn out and he needed to use cement for part of what should have been bone.

Next came the 10 days from HELL. Visit the hospital, make sure that Dorsey is getting the very best care possible. Sleep a little, start again. Dorsey has sooo much pain and it is so difficult for him to walk on the knee. Why, why, why do the therapy people come when it is time for a pain pill? Do they have torture timers? OK so it is only 1 of the therapy people and I decide I do not like him much. Saturday comes and a visit with Doctor Nacano leads me/us to believe Dorsey can come home tomorrow. I bust an energy spurt and be sure the house is ready including taking the rug from the living room and the ones in the back bathroom except the ones in front of the shower and the tub. I text the family - we celebrate. I feel better about Christmas when I did not buy an actual present for Dorsey because I overdid all year long.

January 3rd (Sunday) aka DEVISTATION day.

I pack a suitcase and head for the hospital early. Dorsey is NOT doing well. He is in such pain. His whole demeanor is not good. He is totally sorry he did the surgery. Why did I let him do this. The discharge decision has to be changed. He CAN NOT come home. The news now gets much worse. I thought we had a reservation at the nursing home of our choise - turns out that there is no such thing as a reservation and the nursing home we prefer has ho room. OK - I now have to go home and get other things so that he has clothes at the nursing home and oh, yes!!! cry and get over myself.

Regroup - cry, cry some more. I am home and regrouping and supposedly Dorsey is staying in the hospital at least today until a new game plan cam happen. NOTT - he calls and they are sending him to is one of the highest nursing homes on my NEVER, NEVER list. I call and talk to the discharge person at the hospital and turn in to the MONSTER from HE$%. I refuse to let him go to the one they have there to pick him up. Now on the spur of the moment I have to pick a second home. I tell them the second choice Mom had and the discharge lady says OK. Stay home and she will call me when she receives word.

The wait takes forever and I finally call her back - she FAXED them and is waiting to hear. I give her my cell number and tell her I am heading back to the hospital.

Good news - kind of. Ash and Gabby are coming through sometime today but now I worry about her seeing him in a nursing home. Sometime during the above meltdown I heard they have actually left Aurora and are on the way.

Back to the hospital and just as I get there the nursing home driver arrives to pick up Dorsey and take him to the nursing home. OK - not as planned but what has gone well today. :-( Whistle, whistle - oh ya that is my cell phone. Ash and Gabby are close - well that is typical of today. I make an arragement to meet them and exchange things and fuel her vehicle. Bummer the one high point of the day and it now needs to be VERY short. Rush, Rush - exchange and fuel complete so back to the nursing home to check on Dorsey. Get him settled. Cry all the way home and try to sleep. Spend every possible minute at the nursing home with Dorsey and see that the therapist (Pam) there is great with him but his depressed and HATES the community dining area. The next few days are visit, cry, do laundry so Dorsey has clean shorts, try to sleep and repeat. Try to help Dorsey laugh about his decision.

Thursday JANUARY 17th. Discharge day - AGAIN. Plan is to arrive early. Phone call - they are running late. OK - I run errands and arrive at 11:00 am as requested. Dorsey appears tired, not doing as well at PT as he has been and is GRUMPY. PT Pam is very worried. Discharge is again delayed. FINALLY get Dorsey in the car and ready to come home. We hit 7th street and his attitude changes and his energy level increases. This is good :-)

Home, call home health and set up an appointment for tomorrow. Things are going better now. Thank you technology. Dorsey calls my cell when he needs something. Now it is care, arrange schedule, bug about moving, meals, sleep some when he is sleeping. The first 3 days are mainly sleep for him. The home health care nurse can not get blood. OK - cumadin clinic here we come. That adds to the schedule but we manage - much better than we thought.

Wahoo - watch the race happen. Dorsey is improving hour to hour not day to day. The therapy is doing great, meals are OK and appointments happen. Sleep is still the biggest activity but that is OK.

Wednesday January 13th. We get an A+ at the doctor's appointment. How great is that :-). More PT, more cumadin clinic and more progress. I am now into a routine.

Friday January 15th. Discharge from home health care. Visit to cumadin clinic. See so much progress that I notice that he can already get out of a chair better than before. WOW!!!

Saturday January 16th. Old Timer's breakfast to BRAG!!! What a journey and how blessed can anyone be?